The Singled Person

Simultaneous photography projections

Shown at the Hamburg Photo Triennial 2008, New York Photo Festival 2008, Journées Photographiques de Bienne 2009, Berliner Kunstsalon 2009, Eyes On - Month of Photography Vienna 2010 and at the Wiesbadener Fototage 2011, the project combines the work of different photographers who share a subtle and impressionistic approach to reality. “The Singled Person” is an installation of unsynchronized slide projectors. Each exhibition is designed with the particular space in mind and is therefore unique. Here Michael Ackerman, Morten Andersen, Lorenzo Castore, Adam Cohen, Thorsten Kirchhoff, Peer Kugler, André Lützen, Hisashi Murayama and Filippo Romano all combine their own distinctive artistic handwriting to capture the moment.
They favor the portrayal of cities at night, often on the border between the visual and the abstract. In these images, the individual appears out of focus and mysterious. Whether the subject is alone or in a group, everyone here remains in a state of alienation, just as the photographer no matter how intimate or close he is to his subject, remains alone.
The projection, “The Singled Person” gives the viewer the opportunity to connect emotionally, as recurrent moments of life are summarized, displaced, connected, or just pass by.

Photographers: Michael Ackerman (USA), Morten Andersen (NO), Lorenzo Castore (IT), Adam Cohen (USA), Thorsten Kirchhoff (DE), Peer Kugler (DE), André Lützen (DE), Hisashi Murayama (JP), Filippo Romano (IT)

Peer Kugler • • Phone +49 (0)171 475 9682
André Luetzen • • Phone: +49 (0)173 622 2366